Shareholder information

Corporate Governance

The Board is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance appropriate for a company of its size and status. The Board has decided that we will comply with the principles set out in the QCA Code and we have set out here how we seek to apply these principles. The QCA Code sets out a standard of minimum best practice for small and mid-sized companies, particularly AIM companies.

Our Board currently comprises eight directors:

  • Christian Faes (Non-Executive Chair)
  • Rod Lockhart (Chief Executive Officer)
  • Ian Thomas (Chief Investment Officer)
  • Stephan Wilcke (Senior Independent Director)
  • Penny Judd (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Dale Murray (Independent Non-Executive Director)
  • Nina Spencer (Independent Non-Executive Director)

The Board believes that the composition of the Board provides an appropriate balance between Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors and brings a desirable range of skills and experience in light of our challenges and opportunities. We regard each of Stephan Wilcke, Penny Judd, Nina Spencer and Dale Murray as “independent non-executive directors” within the meaning of the QCA Code. The QCA Code also recommends that companies should consider whether it is appropriate to have a senior independent director to act as a sounding board and intermediary for the chair or other board members. We have appointed Stephan Wilcke to act as our Senior Independent Director.

In adherence with the recommendations of the QCA Code, we have also established an Audit & Risk Committee, the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee, each with formally delegated duties and responsibilities and with written terms of reference.

  • The Audit & Risk Committee is chaired by Penny Judd and its other members are Stephan Wilcke, Dale Murray and Nina Spencer. Penny Judd is deemed by the Board to have the requisite recent and relevant financial expertise. Its terms of reference can be accessed here.
  • The Nomination Committee is chaired by Stephan Wilcke and its other members are Christian Faes, Penny Judd, Nina Spencer and Dale Murray. Its terms of reference can be accessed here.
  • The Remuneration Committee is chaired by Stephan Wilcke and its other members are Penny Judd, Nina Spencer and Dale Murray. Its terms of reference can be accessed here.


We have two FCA regulated subsidiaries within the Group and all of our Executive Committee members are certified for the purposes of the FCA’s Senior Managers Regime and subject to the SMCR Conduct Rules.
We take the protection our client’s assets seriously, whether that means their money or their data.
With in-depth credit and fraud checks and high quality underwriting, we have been awarded the highest possible ARC Rating for the last eight consecutive years.
As a business we ensure we are at the forefront of technological developments that enhance the security of our lending.

Major shareholders

as at 1 April 2024

So far as the Company is aware, the following table shows the interests (within the meaning of Part 22 of the Companies Act) which represent, directly or indirectly, 3 per cent. or more of the Company’s ordinary share capital:

Number of Ordinary Shares
Percentage of Ordinary Share Capital
Ian Thomas1
Christian Faes2
Liontrust Asset Management
Chelverton Asset Management
  1. 1 Includes 60,000 Ordinary Shares held by Mr. Thomas and 40,055,912 Ordinary Shares held by Kilford Investments Limited, of which Mr. Thomas is the beneficial owner.
  2. 2 Held by Faes & Co Holdings SARL, of which Mr. Faes is the beneficial owner.
  3. 3 Includes 13,144,357 Ordinary Shares held by funds managed by Atomico IV LP and 2,966,683 Ordinary Shares held by funds managed by Atomico IV (Guernsey) LP.